Аuthor: Olga Pernarivska
When tourists come to Ukraine in the summer, they often see large fields with beautiful flowers. So what kind of flower is it?
It's a sunflower.
This is a beautiful plant with a brown center and usually bright yellow petals. It has a green stem and big green leaves. It has been grown as an oil crop for about 150 years. The homeland of the sunflower is considered to be the southwestern part of North America. The Spanish brought the sunflower to Europe in 1510. At first, the sunflower spread as a decorative and garden crop. It was brought to Ukraine in the 18th century.
Types of sunflowers
There are many types of sunflowers. The main type is the yellow sunflower. But you can see also red sorts, orange. For example:
Tiffany: orange-yellow flowers with a dark center; growth height up to 190 cm.
Inara Orange: orange flowers with reddish-brown centre; growth height up to 160 cm; pollen-free.
Sunrich Gold: orange-yellow flowers with a golden-yellow center; growth height up to 200 cm; pollen-free.
Sunrich Orange: orange petals with a dark centre; growth height up to 170 cm; pollen-free and others.
Sunflower as a symbol
The sunflower is a symbol of strength, energy and beauty. It is also a symbol of the Sun, work and well-being. It is perhaps the strongest among flowers. The sunflower has found its place under the Sun. And it couldn't help but find it because it constantly orients itself to the heavenly Light - it turns its sun-like head after it. So the Sun does not blind him, which means that it is not afraid to be blinded by success or achievements.
Sunflower in Ukraine's economy
Ukraine helds the first place in the world in the export of sunflower oil. In addition, our country is also the largest producer of this product. Its sales abroad bring 11% of the entire export revenue of the state. (Information of 2021).
Sunflower in Ukrainian literature
Many writers and poets glorified the sunflower in their works. The most famous work is "Ballad about sunflower" by Ivan Drach. The poem is written in verlibre form (without rhyme). It says that the poet must strive for excellence in poetry, while taking root in his native soil, in national creativity; only that creator can discover the sun of poetry, who, having looked at this sun, admires it forever.
Sunflower in history
August 29 is the day of remembrance of the defenders of the country, who died in the struggle for independence. On this day in 2014 as a result of the armed conflict in the East, there was the most significant number of losses among the defenders. And it was at this time that the sunflowers ripened, but it was difficult to collect them, although the fighting continued in the fields. Therefore, the sunflower became a symbol of mourning for Ukrainian heroes who died in Donbas.
Sunflowers also look good in photos. You can see our examples and make your own photos!